Opportunity to change tourist status to Education Visa

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Now, we are offering prospective individuals to apply at Phasorn Language School to study on our ED Visa program.

  • Opportunity to change tourist status to Non-Immigrant Education Visa without leaving Thailand!
  • ED Visa allows holder to stay in country at least 3months 3 weeks and the most 1 year!

Procedures to apply for an Education Visa in Thailand

1. First step is to come to the school with your passport (every page copied) and 12 recent photos (4×6 cm) along with a deposit of 2,000 Thai baht.

2. Our staff will prepare documents that are mandatory to submit to Ministry of Education.

3. Applicants have a wait of 2-3 weeks to get the letter of approval from the MOE.

4. After receiving the approval letter from MOE, our staff will prepare the documents for the Immigration Bureau. (Students then will go to Immigration Bureau by themselves, and a wait of 15 days to receive the stamp of “ED Visa”)

5. After the visit to Immigration, Immigration officials will pay a visit to our school, take some photos of school and take some pictures of students with Immigration officials (as a student at the school it is mandatory that you come to school)

6. We will contact you before Immigration officials come to our school.

7. After 15 days, students must return to Immigration to receive result of your application and/or receive the stamp in your passport for an “ED Visa”

8. Finally if application is approved and “ED Visa” is granted, our school will return to MOE for completion of the process.

Our ED Visa offers you several advantages as a learner in our school. Please contact our staff for further information on our services.

About the course price, click here!

Don’t waste a moment! APPLY NOW!!

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